Garvin Heerah is a retired military officer with an excess of 30 years military and
Law Enforcement experience combined. He is the former Head of the National Operations Centre. He is also an Organisational Transformation and Strategic Leadership expert.
Former guest speaker and adjunct professor George Marshall Center - European Center for Security Studies Garmish Partinkerchin Germany. He lectures and serves as a senior member of the Board of Governors with the Anglia Ruskin University UK via School of Accounting and Management ( SAMs ) TT here in Trinidad on the MBA program.
As an expert in Safe City and Homeland Security, Cdr. Heerah has led and coordinated multiple Public Security and Public Safety initiatives locally, regionally and internationally. He is an international speaker on Strategic Security and Organisational Transformation. He is married to Lorraine and has 3 beautiful children. Ghenere, Gherone and Gheriel. Garvin Heerah is a Christian and declares he knows where his strength comes from.