Day 2: Session 6 - Data Science And The Future Smart Society - Data Science Education, Research And Industrial Applications In Trinidad And Tobago
(3.15PM – 4.05PM)
Keynote Speaker: Professor Patrick Hosein, UWI Professor and TTLAB Founder
There is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence is having a significant impact on our everyday lives. Furthermore, a country’s technological competitiveness will depend largely on its level of expertise in this space. We in Trinidad and Tobago must act quickly to create a workforce that can compete in that space. In addition to education, we need to develop our research and development capabilities in order to innovate and produce products and services that can compete globally. This innovation will require research collaborations across multiple disciplines and also collaborations among Universities, Industries and the Government, (i.e., the Triple Helix). We also need to create a comfortable environment in which our bright graduates are appropriately compensated and are provided with challenging work assignments so that we do not lose them to the many opportunities abroad. In this talk and panel session we discuss these issues and possible ways forward.